On 10 November DCZ science advisor Eva Sternfeld participated in the online Kick-off meeting of the joint research project DITAC (Digital Transformation of China’s Agriculture – Resources, Trade and Food Security).
The project is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and coordinated by the China research group of The Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO). The main goal of the DITAC project is to analyse and assess digitalisation processes in China’s agrifood sector with regard to their effects on production, use of resources and trade.
In China, DCZ is one of the partners of the project, others include China Agriculture University (CAU), Institute of Agriculture Economics and Development of CAAS (IAED-CAAS) and Macro Agriculture Research Institute of Huazhong Agriculture University. DCZ’s contribution to this project will focus on the design of a communication strategy and knowledge transfer.
The project start will also lay the foundations for the establishment of an international competence centre for “Digital innovations in transition economies” at IAMO.
Read more on the DITAC website.