To feed a population of at least nine billion by 2050, sustainable food production systems are more important than ever. The OECD’s Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems (CRP) exists to strengthen scientific knowledge and provide policy advice related to the sustainable use of natural resources in the areas of agriculture, food, fisheries and forests. CRP funds short-term research projects for individual scientists in other CRP member countries and sponsors international conferences and workshops on topics such as
- Sustainable and resilient productivity growth and food security and nutrition;
- Climate change mitigation, reducing emissions from agriculture and food systems, carbon sequestration in agriculture, forestry and land use;
- Halting and reversing forest loss and land degradation;
- Reducing the negative environmental impacts of livestock production and practices harmful to animal health and welfare, investigating the positive contribution livestock can make to soil quality and management, biodiversity and livelihoods;
- Biodiversity, enhancing ecosystem services;
- Improving soil health and water and air quality, including through agro-ecological and other innovative, context specific approaches;
- Innovations in the transfer and development of agricultural knowledge, including Indigenous and traditional knowledge;
- Fisheries and aquaculture productivity, sustainability and resilience
Closing date for applications is 10 September 2023.