QIN Tianbao 秦天宝

Qin Tianbao is professor of law and professor of boundary and occean studies at Wuhan University, where he is also director of the Research Institute of Environmental Law as well as director of the Research Center of the Supreme Court of China on Environmental Adjunction Theory. 

His current research concentrates on law and policy concerning biodiversity and biotechnology, water and ocean, climate change and energy, environment and health, and trans-boundary environmental issues. Tianbao frequently advises national and provincial-level ministries and governments and was engaged in the drafting of over 20 major environmental bills. Amongst his many engagements, he is member and vice chair of the Compliance Committee of the Nagoya Protocol on ABS, member of Committee on Conflicts of Interest of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), and advisor to the, and advisor to the Chinese negotiations on biodiversity, ocean, and climate change issues. 

Tianbao holds a Dr. iur from Wuhan University, with a doctoral dissertation at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University (Germany) and a postdoc at Ghent University (Belgium). Tianbao used to be Deputy Chief Judge at the Environmental Chamber of the Supreme Court of China.