Assessing the quality of on-farm produced vegetable seed
This guide provides vegetable growers with practical methods for assessing the quality of on-farm produced seed, focusing on key factors such as germination, purity, and seed health. It emphasizes the importance of high-quality seed for successful cultivation and long-term conservation of rare and old vegetable varieties. By aligning with EU seed regulations, the guide offers a framework for growers to evaluate their seed, ensuring strong, healthy plants and preventing crop failure. It is designed to support farmers and gardeners in maintaining and enhancing the quality of their home-grown seed.
Lehmann, C. (2014). Leitfaden zur Qualitätsprüfung von On-farm erzeugtem Saatgut von Gemüsearten. Verein zur Erhaltung und Rekultivierung von Nutzpflanzen in Brandenburg (VERN e.V.).