On-farm conservation of old vegetable varieties (update)

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This expanded guide builds upon the 2016 Guide for the on-farm conservation of old vegetable varieties, introducing methods for the on-farm preservation and seed propagation of additional vegetable varieties, including endive, garden orache, cucumber, Brussels sprouts, and onion. It outlines practical breeding and seed multiplication techniques developed through the ZENPGR project, which integrated old vegetable varieties from gene bank collections into on-farm conservation. The guide aims to make these varieties accessible for cultivation, ensuring their survival and encouraging their use in both home gardening and commercial farming.


Becker, A. (2023). Erweiterung des Leitfadens zur on-farm Erhaltung alter Gemüsesorten um die Kulturarten Endivie, Gartenmelde, Gurke, Rosenkohl und Zwiebel. Verein zur Erhaltung und Rekultivierung von Nutzpflanzen e.V. (VERN e.V.).

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