Study: From “Grain for Green” to “Forests to Arable Land”
The intricate interplay between agricultural land use and environmental sustainability is a central concern for nations worldwide. Since 1999, China…

CfA: International Training for Safer Food
The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) will hold an international training course on food safety…

DCZ to start project on agrobiodiversity
We are proud to announce the start of our project “Sustainable use and management of agrobiodiversity as a contribution to transformation…”

Save the date: 9th Sino-German Agricultural Week
Join us from 31 October to 3 November in Benbu City, Anhui Province to discuss the future of agri-food systems at the 9th Sino-German Agricultural Week…

German Ag Counselor discusses animal welfare
The Fifth Animal Welfare Science Conference was held in Chongqing on 5 September. The conference with over 350 participants was hosted by…

APPLY NOW | Sustainable Diets Slam at 9th Sino-German Ag Week | 31 OCT – 03 NOV
Apply to participate in the DCZ “Sustainable Diets Slam” at the 9th Sino-German Agricultural Week, 31 Oct – 03 NOV …

Study: China’s ag outlook 2023-2032
In April 2023, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) published its annual outlook on the development of agricultural production…

CfA: OECD program on sustainable agriculture and food systems
To feed a population of at least nine billion by 2050, sustainable food production systems are more important than ever. The OECD’s…

Harvest · 丰收 | Issue 2 | May 2023
The second issue of Harvest · 丰收, our bi-annual magazine on agricultural cooperation, is dedicated to the topic of digital agriculture…