Study: bilateral cooperation in ag sciences
This baseline study provides an overview of German-Chinese bilateral cooperation in agricultural sciences…
DCZ’s S&T platform is a joint project by the DCZ and the Department of International Cooperation at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS). The S&T platform has been established to promote exchange and research collaboration in agricultural sciences between both countries as well as in international contexts.
This baseline study provides an overview of German-Chinese bilateral cooperation in agricultural sciences…
This baseline study provides an overview of German-Chinese bilateral cooperation in agricultural sciences…
Between 30 June and 5 July, the Sino-German Agricultural Centre (DCZ) Science & Technology (S&T) platform in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) and the Leibniz…
In Germany, agricultural research is not only carried out by universities but also by a group of federal research institutes. Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the federal research institutes conduct application-oriented research and provide scientific guidance to the ministry.